
This start-up is making digital passports… for clothes. Here’s what that means for the fashion industry


This start-up is making digital passports… for clothes. Here’s what that means for the fashion industry

  • The fashion industry emits more CO2 than aviation and delivery combined.
  • But attempts to create a trend circular financial system are stalling due to the fact of product identification issues.
  • Now a New York start-up has developed a digital passport for clothing.
  • It can track the whole lifecycle of a garment, assisting to reduce waste.
  • Eon is a member of The Circulars Accelerators Cohort 2021 on Uplink.

Fashion has a sustainability problem. The enterprise is responsible for one-tenth of world carbon emissions and its business model depends on us discarding old clothes and shopping for new ones. Now digital innovation pursuits to exchange all that.

One of the best stumbling blocks to creating a circular fashion economy has been product identification. That pre-owned object appears like a dressmaker brand, but is it? When was it made and what’s it made of?
New York start-up Eon says it can answer all those questions. Major fashion brands are presently uploading statistics about their merchandise to Eon’s Connected Products platform, an Internet of Things (IoT) solution that tracks trend objects during their lifecycle

The platform gives every new fashion item a digital start certificate which includes facts about the place and when it was made and what it’s made from. That’s linked to a ‘digital twin’, a virtual duplicate of the actual product, and a digital passport that tracks the product via its life.
 For example, a fashion object might be worn at a tournament through a celebrity, then resold or rented out by way of a fashion designer clothing hire company, before being sold on again. All these statistics will show up in its digital passport.

Instant recognition

Eon claims to be the first digitization platform to connect merchandise throughout their total lifecycle – “from new to renew”.

Using the platform, an upcycle can straight away become aware of a product; it additionally suggests pricing and offers advice on how to market the product. The digital report consists of trend tips, such as how a patron might pair it with other items.

“At Eon, we assume there’s a difference between a digitized product and a connected product,” Eon CEO, Natasha Franck, told the trend website WWD. “This work has moved past initiative to an ecosystem and information exchange inside the round economy.”

Eon has partnered with fashion brands and outlets like Net-a-Porter and H&M, material makers and resellers like Reflaunt, Save Your Wardrobe, and Salvation Army Trading Company. Each item that is recorded on the platform is given a bodily tag with a QR code or an RFID chip.

As well as reselling products, the digital ID makes it easier to restore them with the right materials or to recycle them when they attain the quit of their lives. This approach needs to result in less landfill.

Reducing waste

The want for around economic system in trend is pressing. The World Bank says 87% of the fabric in fashion clothes ends up being incinerated or sent to landfills. Without greater recycling, global demand for clothing will surge from 62 million tonnes today to 102 million tonnes by 2030.

The fashion enterprise uses ninety-three billion cubic meters of water each year – 20% of all wastewater international comes from dyeing or treating fabric – and its annual carbon emissions dwarf the mixed output of world aviation and shipping, according to World Bank data.

Leading the way

Eon has been chosen as one of the Circulars Accelerator Cohort on UpLink, the World Economic Forum’s innovation crowdsourcing platform as a device with the workable to velocity up the pass to a more circular economic system in fashion.

Just 17 start-ups were invited to join the Circulars Accelerator Cohort. Led with the aid of Accenture, the program will join round economy entrepreneurs with commercial enterprise leaders to enable them to scale up their ideas.