
Are you Aware that the World’s Smartest Face Mask has been created?


Are you Aware that the World’s Smartest Face Mask has been created?

The world's smartest face mask is what Gaming company Razer has claimed to have made. It essentially comprises of a built-in microphone. The prototype was revealed at the tech convention CES, amidst further claims that it was capable of amplifying the users voice - to prevent muffled speech. The design also includes active ventilation to enable the exhaling of warmer air whilst pulling in cooler air. Furthermore, the company says the mask is classified as an N95 surgical mask, however the product thus far has not been officially reviewed, and therefore is not going on sale anytime soon. Here is presenting a few facts about this smart mask obtained thus far that you need to know.

1. The Smart Mask and its possible benefits in reading and understanding people’s lips and face:
The mask itself is made of transparent plastic, and apparently has been designed to make it easier for people to lip read and pick up on facial cues. It is a fact that a transparent mask is hardly an innovation itself because there are plenty out there in the market. However, according to the mask maker Razer the mask also has a "low light mode". This means that the mask's interior lights up automatically when dark leading to illumination of your mouth. 
The company also claims that this allows you to "express yourself clearly regardless of the lighting conditions". 

2. The Smart Mask has so far not undergone any trial and testing: 
Is it comfortable to wear with all that tech inside? is a question about the mask that first pops in the mind. Unfortunately, as of now there is no answer because it hasn't been tried it out. Moreover, the mask manufacturer Razer is confident that a silicon fitting around the face keeps it comfortable, and also stops the mask itself from touching or resting on your mouth. It also mentions that thicker ear loops in the mask helps apply less pressure on your ears. 

3. The unveiling of the Smart Mask at CES 2021, and its skeptical reception:
This mask patented with "voiceamp" feature which considered to be its most technologically advanced feature, was unveiled at the CES convention. As per the company, muffled speech can be a particular problem with traditional nose and mouth coverings. It is therefore to resolve such issues that this mask has been conceptualized.  It must be noted though that, the longevity of this smart mask is still being tested, along with when the filters need to be changed. It is for this reason that it's not currently for sale.  Some of the other companies to have unveiled eye-catching concept products at this year's CES expo include:

1. A Cadillac-branded Vertical Take-off and Landing electric vehicle from General Motors
2. A toilet that analyses your poop to make dietary recommendations from Toto
3. A tablet display that rolls up into a scroll from TCL