
Did you know that Moderna is all set to get its COVID-19 Vaccine approved in US and Europe?


Did you know that Moderna is all set to get its COVID-19 Vaccine approved in US and Europe?

Moderna, an American biotechnology company based in the United States of America is all ready to file for US and European emergency regulatory approval of its newly developed coronavirus vaccine. This is being done so that it can be recommended for widespread use around the globe. This mRNA vaccine will be tested by regulators who will then decide whether or not it is safe enough to be rolled out in public. Here is then presenting to you some key facts about this new development in finding the only 'Solution' to this lethal 'Viral' global pandemic attack.

Clinical trials of the Moderna vaccine showing high efficacy against COVID-19:Apparently, the coronavirus vaccine developed by Moderna has undergone a few trials. As per the results of these studies, it has proved effective in protecting as high as 94% of this highly infective virus. More importantly, Moderna has acquired this trial data from a large sample size of 30,000 volunteers which includes high-risk groups like the elderly. A clear indication that the vaccine is all ready to be brought into the market for public consumption and only approval from the regulators now remains to seal the deal. 

1. Trial data gained by Moderna, and its results: 

The vaccine by Moderna has been developed using clinical studies. These included giving 15,000 out of 30,0000 people the real vaccine while the rest were given placebo injections. Furthermore, during these tests about 11 people who were injected by the original vaccine fell ill (not severely) due to the virus. While 185 individuals belonging to the placebo group were seriously affected by COVID-19. 

2. Moderna, one of the most effective vaccines under trial in the world at the moment:

At the moment there are a few vaccines made by biotechnology companies are currently on trial possessing a high efficacy rate in the range of 62 to 95%. Some of these include Oxford Uni Astra Zeneca from Great Britain, Pfizer BioNTech from Germany and USA, and Gamaleya from Russia. Also in this elite group is the Moderna vaccine which has a high efficacy rate of about 95%, and is waiting along with the others to get the stamp of approval from authorities in the US and Europe. 

3. Pre-ordering of Moderna has begun within the United Kingdom:

Along with 40 m of the Pfizer/BioNTech, as well as the 100m of the AstraZeneca Oxford vaccine, Great Britain has also started stocking up in advance 7m of Moderna jab. A move which has been welcomed by many specialists in the country such as Dr Alexander Edwards, an associate professor in biomedical technology at the University of Reading who stated that "This is great news indeed - the more trial data that we have, the greater confidence we have that vaccines can be used to blunt the human cost of Covid-19".
With Moderna vaccine all ready to be rolled out and awaiting approval from the US and Europe regulators, here is hoping that this 'Vaccination' does prove to be the ultimate 'Solution' that could blunt this most horrible 'Viral' attack that mankind as ever experienced.