
Autumn in the forest cottage


Autumn in the forest cottage

With autumn in full swing in the northern hemisphere, I use every opportunity to indulge my students with the vibrant colours and sensations that this season brings. Here's one of my visualisation-based lesson plans which I have used with my teen and adult students. Hope yours enjoy it, too.

Autumn in the forest cottage

Updated: 5 hours ago

With autumn in full swing in the northern hemisphere, I use every opportunity to indulge my students with the vibrant colours and sensations that this season brings.

Here's one of my visualisation-based lesson plans which I have used with my teen and adult students.

Hope yours enjoy it, too.

Step 1

Tell the students that you’ll take them on a journey to the forest. Ask them what they expect to see there. What sounds will they hear? What animals could they meet?

Then play the visualisation making sure that all mobile devices have been switched off and everyone is sitting comfortably and relaxed.

Here's the visualisation:

Step 2

After the visualisation, ask the students to share what experience they’ve had.

Where did they go?

What did they see?

What did they hear?

What did they taste?

How did they feel?

Step 3

Show these four pictures and ask them which one illustrates their virtual journey. Why? Which objects from the visualisation can they recognise?

Answer: picture 3, key words- marshmallows, cinnamon, a book, a blanket

Step 4

Ask the students to write a letter to their best friend and describe their experience in the forest. Explain they have to try to reproduce the same sensations they felt during their virtual journey as well as use key vocabulary.

By Marusya Price