
Mrs. India Pride of Nation “Fitness-Freak” 2021.


Mrs. India Pride of Nation “Fitness-Freak” 2021.

“Next time you think of beautiful things, don’t forget to count on yourself in”- Anonymous.

Ahaa… look at your face, beautiful lady. I know you are smiling. I know you are relaxed. I know the very moment after reading this quote you have started thinking. I know you have just rushed to the mirror to see and to confirm… isn’t it? We all are the same.

Hello everyone,

I am Priya Sanju Thakur, an entrepreneur, a business developer, an associate writer, a professional trekker, a professional yoga trainer, a taekwondo player, and for what I am here today is…, I am Sub-title winner Mrs. India Pride of Nation “Fitness-Freak” 2021. This is my outer identity but what made me write this beauty post for all of you goes back to the generations that implemented in me, habits of believing in our tradition and embracing nature.

Everybody follows some tips, and treatments to look beautiful. Some of us are wasting thousands of rupees to look beautiful. And, I know it’s the choice of an individual how to live life and o look most beautiful. My great grandmother lived for almost 108 years and till death very healthy, damn beautiful, everything given by her parents and god all well placed. Same with my maternal and paternal grandmothers and now with my mother. One thing I observed with them is following traditional methods including hair oil, skincare routine, hair care routine, exercise, food eating habits, entertainment, spending time with family, time for oneself, and everything essential to nurture beauty inner and outer. That too without paying huge sums.

Wait… what can be the costliest and most effective than being disciplined, following ritual, believing in nature, and accepting its arms open.

Here, I am sharing with you some of the beauty tricks, I learned from them and following ritually. The best natural-raw products for your face are juices of cucumber, potato, tomato, and aloe vera. Face scrubber I know pure white cream with sugar. Best face masks I use of lemon and honey together. Flour of orange lentils and milk is the best sun-tan remover in the world. For hair, the best hair mask I have been using for the last thirty years is a paste of fenugreek seed and onion seed together. I was wondering when the products made out of onion seeds, today making huge money. You won’t believe in my 40’s I do not have a single white hair. I do not know what is dandruff or hair fall looks like. Hair oil I prepare myself and I distribute among my relatives, quality and result wise it is par excellence. And, I know we all are aware of these secrets but very few of us follow them.

Remember, “The LAZINESS of today’s woman is secret of today’s many thriving BUSINESSES.”

But I also respect some products out there in the market that are genuine, natural, and follow ancient practices. I do not mind naming them here, yea I am talking about only pure. To name them Baidya Nath, some products of Khadi Natural, Auraveda, a few products of Patanjali, Rasshala, Sri Sri Ayurveda, and Himalaya. It was very exciting to know that some of the local Indian entrepreneurs entered I beauty products and offered the best products in the range. During the Glamour Gurgaon event of Mrs. India Pride of Nation season-4, 2021, I come across some products and here I really would like to talk about them. I love rose water and you will find bottles of homemade rose water, or sometimes rose water from Khadi Natural (www.khadinatural.com) at my home. In a joint family, you know you need everything always double than common three head families. The brand O’GARDNER, manufactured and marketed by O’ Gardner India that came to me as a sample during this event is beyond expectations. The smell, the quality, a feel of refreshing, as a skin toner, and the best I use it after removing makeup as a skin-booster. Lovely product and to buy blindly and you can buy it from www.ogardenerindia.com. This is no doubt going to replace Khadi Natural. I love salt bath with neem leaves and it is in practice since ancient times. It not only refreshes your body and mind but heals muscles too. I find it more like I am at the spa. The product “Fuschia-blueberry bloom bath salt” by VKare is now a great relief to me. I bet those who are using bath salts available in the market must try this one, www.myfuschia.com is the website t by-product and see product range. The next brand ‘DA SACRED NATURE’ I was surprised to see the result of it on such a person who has very delicate and sensitive skin. Both scrubber and face amazing and no any product in the market I would say complement your skin than these two products. I tried to search to order online but could not find delivery available for the area pin code. But, this product too you can buy from www.dasacrednature.com. I am purposely mentioning these products because I know today women like you and I are very busy and it's very difficult to get time to self-prepare everything to look beautiful.

Some other technic to keep your skin, body, and mind beautiful is to practice yoga. Women who find yoga difficult or go and attend your session but not matching with time to visit www.bohobeautiful.life and practice with Juliana. Amazing trainer and a mother. For me, Yoga may work but by doing the exercises that keep you healthy, build your hobbies, and be happy you feel after doing this, you shall practice. To sweat out is the best way to remove toxins. Do take massage and I recommend it for both men and women, it is necessary for body and mind, ninety percent of my Dr.friends suggest this. I have seen my great grandparents and grandparents once a month they used to take massage. The best oil for massage is no doubt Sesame Oil but during winter I have always seen Pure Coconut Oil they used for massage. I follow the same for my family.

So far, I talked about all and these are external things. I want to talk about food and eating habits too. Which plays an important role in beauty secrets. Eat healthily, eat fresh, eat local, and eat seasonally. You know, I have seen women with beautiful skin but have a pale face, uncomfortable with the body, over conscious, and lower confidence. I would suggest, maintaining weight or being comfortable in your own weight. If you have beautiful skin and you are not happy about your bodily figure, the shiny skin automatically reflects a matte and dead look. So, I would say beautiful skin comes with a beautiful body and confidence too. Avoid using shortcuts and chemical-loaded products. Do not make your skin and body an experimental ground.

Today, the most severe and deadly disease which once used to have lesser cases now ruling the hospitals of the world and that is none other than Cancer. The second of this is Diabetes. The third is no doubt heart attack. I am mentioning these three in particular, because these are gifts to us, of our moving away from nature towards a lot of manmade products. The pandemic and Covid years (2020/2021/2022) are our biggest gurus to tell us the impact of changing lifestyle, and food habits. I am not against any products but excess use of them is killing generations. I want you to be not a part of this but you shall create and contribute to building healthy and happy generations. This starts to form your habits, home, and family. In this journey, women have a bigger role to play. If you ever feel that you are not on track or want some help visit my blog www.writernwriter.wordpress.com.

I wish many such beautiful souls shall join this mission and share theirs secretes. We all are human beings and learning is easy for us but following is easier.

I thank the team of STOLZ magazine to give me an opportunity. I thank Lesley productions to open this platform for me to share my views. And, all this is possible with an identity given to me by Glamour Gurgaon’s Barkha Nangia ma’am, Abhishek Nangia sir, and a team of Mrs. India Pride of Nation, (www.mrsindiaprideofnation.com). I appreciate the support of all sponsors including Thakur Lamp Shade, Pune, (www.thakurlampshade.com), Englishlogica, Ireland (www.englishlogica.com), and Digihost, Mumbai, to make my dream come true and to participate in Mrs. India Pride of Nation.

I wish all of you a Very Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous new year.

(Note: The facts mentioned in the content is absolutely based on the experience of the model. STOLZ magazine or Lesley productions is not responsible or answerable to any facts mentioned here. The purpose of content is spread awareness about tradition and ancient practices of which results may vary person to person.)